Solar pyramid

Our Solar pyramid

How the pyramid benefits the human body

The prerequisite for the action is the correct orientation of our pyramid according to the Earth’s magnetic axis – in the North-South direction.

Inside the pyramid is the majority of negative ions /as in flowing rivers, waterfalls, after rain/.Negative ionization awakens vigor, activity, induces a sense of satisfaction, boosts energy, accelerates natural reparative and healing processes. Blue colour calms and regulates self-healing processes, it is used for relaxation, meditation.

For whom is a stay in the pyramid useful?

We recommend even healthy people to visit the pyramid, at least twice a year. Its energy will help you strengthen the body, increase vitality, rejuvenate, treat and relieve pain, accelerate the healing of wounds and burns, neutralize negative radiation from the environment, energizes food and drinks.

Regeneration of strength and mental state is especially important for people exposed to work overload and high mental stress. Sleeping in or under a pyramid strengthens the health of convalescents and debilitated persons and leads to the fact that a person feels more vital and his bioenergetic potential is replenished.

The best treatment is PREVENTION:

Many people underestimate the fact that in today’s world, our energy sources, which we draw from food, liquids and air, are no longer as valuable as they used to be, and that is why it is appropriate to help our body energetically once in a while. Our bodies are exposed to heavy loads, e.g. electrosmog, chemical smog contamination, chemicals in food and water, geopathogenic zones, inappropriate eating, rush and stress…..

Návštěva pyramidy je tedy vhodná při fyzické i psychické zátěži, dále pak po operaci a po skončení léčení v nemocnici, za účelem dodání životní energie.

Dále vlivem různých psychických tlaků, kterým je dnešní člověk vystaven, vznikají bloky na fyzické i psychické úrovni a tím dochází k zablokování našich čaker (energetické vstupy a výstupy), což způsobuje nedostatek životní energie pro naše buňky a to se může projevit nějakým problémem v našem těle, případně na naši psychice (deprese, stres). Také mnoho lidí se domnívá, že jsou absolutně zdrávi, ale to nemusí být pravda, všechno v těle hned nebolí a nemusí být postřehnutelné a také lékaři nemusí vždy hned všechno odhalit, když se na to později přijde, tak už muže být pozdě, nebo mohou nastat značné problémy…..

In the pyramid, under it or in the immediate vicinity, we perform health and energy harmonizing massages for those interested – Ayurvedic holistic Abhyanga – with hot oil, preventing diseases, relief from tension, fatigue and pain, or through consultation and advice, we direct the client to change his lifestyle so that he can solve it himself causes of health problems.

Many people with various health problems from all over the country have already passed through our pyramid, so we constantly have the opportunity to assess the effects of pyramidal energy through feedback, and we can truly honestly state that this phenomenon of pyramidal energy is a wonderful and powerful tool, for example, in healing. Pyramids will certainly be a common tool in medicine and various industries in the future, but will it be some time before people realize that healing doesn’t necessarily mean a stitched scar on the body and chemical powders? And with this, we also participate in the education of our fellow citizens.

Animals are also treated under the pyramid.

About our pyramid

I decided to build the pyramid in 1995. I contacted an expert on pyramids, Mgr. Helena Bejlková (ROSA Plus s.r.o. agency) to design the construction of the pyramid in cooperation with the architect. It was mainly about the orientation of the structure with respect to the earth’s axes and its inclination. The resulting project was then implemented by master carpenters.

The pyramid is 7 meters high. Its basis is a wooden structure. A floor is built at a height of 2.5 meters above the surrounding terrain. The pyramid’s own wooden floor is breathable (with gaps between the beams) so that it breathes well (like outside). Mosquitoes are prevented from entering by a mesh stretched into the gaps between the beams.

The pyramid is glazed. There are hinged windows on all sides so that it can be well and quickly ventilated. The window frames are made of duralumin. A steep spiral staircase leads to the pyramid from below.

The space in the pyramid is weatherproof. Even in bad weather, it is pleasantly warm. You fall asleep sweetly in it – when you lie on your back, you look up at the sky. The rising sun will wake you up in the morning.

There is an electrical power supply inside, which is useful for e.g. a lamp or in extremely cold weather for a heater.

A swing is suspended directly under the pyramid – guests often enjoy it (there is always a fight over it), because it is very pleasant to relax in it.

The pyramid also serves as a roof for a spacious terrace – under it are tables with chairs, armchairs and benches. On cold evenings, you can sit by the pleasantly crackling fire in the large fireplace, which makes the sitting atmosphere more pleasant.

In short, the environment is ideal for individual stays and group seminars.


Accommodation in the Břeclav region and its surroundings

Accommodation in the cellar under the pyramid

View the rooms where you can spend your perfect vacation
